It’s spring. Except for the snow.

I’m sorry I’ve been so absent, because so many of you have left me messages on the blog, and they’ve been so encouraging and so supportive, I’m beginning to feel as if I don’t deserve them if I can’t even find the time to answer them. Please accept both my gratitude for the time you’ve taken to tell me how you feel about my books, and please, please, please don’t think that my on-line absence means I truly don’t care.

March break in Ontario came and went, but during the break, I had to review the copy-edited manuscript of Cast in Chaos and finish a novella, “Cast in Moonlight”, for the upcoming Harvest Moon anthology. I believe it’s an October title; Chaos is scheduled for August of 2010.

I’ve also been doing final revisions on House Name, because they were very necessary and I was just too close to the book by its end to be able to do them well. I set it aside and began work on the tentatively titled Skirmish, which is the first of the House War books that take place in the current time-line, but I’ve got enough distance now to see what is, and what isn’t, necessary. It’s longer than City of Night, and it closes the section of the den’s past.

If anyone wants to ask me a question here, at the end of this post, I’ll do my best to catch it an answer it :).

54 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kim
    Mar 26, 2010 @ 03:06:16

    There is one scene in a Cast book where Nightshade’s eyes are violet, a color Kaylin had never seen in a Barani. What does the color mean?


  2. Michael
    Mar 26, 2010 @ 11:05:29

    Personally, I think it would be silly to complain about you being unavailable when you are working on *three* things for us to read. Thank you!

    I do have a question, though. It occurred to me when I was reading City of Night that we have seen children of Teos, Cormaris, Reymaris, The Mother, Mandaros, and Cartanis, but we have never seen a child of Kalliaris. I believe there is mention of them in one of the Sun Sword novels, though. Do you have any plans to include a Luck-born character in either the House Wars or in the Black Gauntlet’s series? What about the Lady?

    And, other than Allasakar, whom have I missed?

    Thanks again!!!!


  3. Aaron
    Mar 26, 2010 @ 20:53:21

    Have you decided on whether or not to create an audio recitation of your Cast novella?

    Personally, I support the idea (and would pay for it) as it’d give readers an intimate, ‘Con-like experience.


  4. Michelle Sagara
    Mar 31, 2010 @ 01:41:04

    I’m back :D. The entire day was spent in non-writing related activities, except for the part where I finally finished revisions for House Name.

    1). Violet as a Barrani eye-color. In my notes, it’s listed as “ambiguous.” I realize this isn’t remotely helpful. My sense of it as the author is it’s a blend of strong emotional base states. Generally, when there’s strong worry, strong anger, the eyes shade blue; if there’s calm or happiness or peace, they shade green. In specific, if there’s strong anger, strong desire and strong hope, and all of these base states occupy equal emotional space, the colors tend to get thrown somewhat out the window.

    Kaylin causes a certain amount of unpredictable and strong reaction.

    2. That I know of, at the moment, I have no plans to include a luck-born child into the House War series. Luck because of its absolute nature would make an interesting protagonist though, and it’s an interesting thought. The child wouldn’t be “lucky” in the traditional sense of the word, but would probably have wildly lucky and wildly disastrous moments, and I’m not entirely certain what their relationship with their parent would be, because in the minds of, say, the den, Kalliaris is a goddess of whim. If you appeal to her in just the right way, and she smiles, you’ll get the luck you’re desperately praying for. If she frowns…not so much.

    And there’s no set way to make her smile or frown. It’s far easier for the followers of the somewhat more traditional gods to figure out what will–and won’t–please them.

    3. My confession: I don’t like the sound of my voice. It’s why I always make my husband record the answering machine messages where possible. My husband and a couple of my readers like the way I read my own text, and I’ve had one person tell me he couldn’t actually parse the West sentences as if they could be spoken until he heard me read them.

    But in particular, I was reading the Cast novella out loud to my husband because I frequently do; reading out loud is a great way to parse a sentence and its flow.

    I have a headset which might, or might not, produce sound I could live with, but I’m not sure it would be at all professional =/. However, I’m looking at it very seriously, now that House Name is finally out the door, the novella is finished and also out the door, and the copy-edits have been read and sent back. I.e. now that I can breathe.


    What I really want to do is read a small section of City of Night, which I read–entirely out of context–at Confluence last year because I really wanted to read it out loud.


  5. Aaron
    Mar 31, 2010 @ 18:52:14

    I assume you’re referring to the Cordufar Ball. If so, that’d be awesome, since it’s my favorite scene from ‘City of Night’.

    “…House Name is finally out the door…”

    Oh! Does that mean we might see a (late) 2010 release date for ‘House Name’? Or, is it scheduled for early 2011?


  6. Michelle Sagara
    Mar 31, 2010 @ 22:09:52

    I am, indeed, referring to parts of the Cordufar Ball. The two scenes there that I read at Confluence were the scenes in which Rath remembers the very last time he watched a ball from the stairs–which segues into his dance at the Cordufar Ball itself.


  7. Emily
    Apr 01, 2010 @ 22:06:28

    I had completely forgotten the release dates for your new book until I was browsing around here and noticed this post (which TOTALLY made my day!). I’m rereading Hunter’s Oath while I wait for the book to arrive and a question occurred to me.

    I know you have the basic story and all its important parts in your head, but how do you keep track of what’s going on with the books, since they’re published out of storyline order? And is there any greater meaning to the order in which they’re being written?

    I’m waiting in breathless anticipation for the story of Meralonne (which I’m hoping will be in one of the upcoming books), so thank you for just enough teasers to make me very excited from time to time.


  8. Aaron
    Apr 02, 2010 @ 20:09:50

    Oh. Yeah. Your LJ page misses you.


  9. Julianna Pflueger
    Apr 10, 2010 @ 23:22:24

    I am a huge fan and I’m not sure how else to contact you so I’m writing here. I’m interested in your short stories but am unable to find them anywhere for sale. Do you know of somewhere that might have them? Does anyone?


  10. Aaron
    Apr 11, 2010 @ 01:08:19

    Michelle has posted a few short stories, in full, for viewing on this site. Check out the Downloads link on the right-hand side of the page.

    For the rest, the easiest ones to find are those published in anthologies. Though many are out of print, you can often find a used copy online by searching for the ISBN. Check out Alibris, Amazon, and even eBay/ You can also check out your local used bookstore, though I’ve had less luck with this method.


  11. Christina
    Apr 12, 2010 @ 03:38:05

    I’m a long time reader of your work and a long time writer of my own. Its been suggested to me that I should figure out a schedule for writing. You know, the whole figure out when you write best and work on your writing for a set length of time/pages thing. I responded with a comment essentially along the lines of: my schedule is a non-schedule because my sleeping habits are a bit erratic as is my life as a teacher. The suggestion got me thinking though. Long explanation, 2 short questions. Do you have a writing schedule of sorts? When did you develop it if you do?


  12. Stephanie Ritter
    Apr 12, 2010 @ 05:20:31

    Hey, I had a question. I was rereading Cast in Silence and something struck me. Sanabalis commented that they would not allow Kaylin to investigate in the fiefs if she had a name (like the Barrani). I was wondering how Teela and Evarrim could tell that she had one almost as soon as she got it, but the dragons still can’t tell?


  13. mandi
    Apr 15, 2010 @ 03:10:39

    Back in cast in courtlight Sanabalis says that Kaylin came back changed but not in a useful way. Was Sanabalis refering to her having a name?? And if not that what was he refering to? Then as Stephanie mentioned in an above post about Sanabalis saying he wouldn’t send her if she had a name. Does her name not count because she isn’t using it? Tara remarked about something like that at the end of Silence that Kalin hadn’t put herself togethe.


  14. BeyondTheIcyWalls
    Apr 18, 2010 @ 23:11:46

    While on the website DeviantArt i came acrossed a picture that reminded me of the scene where Kaylin goes down Nightshade’s well to get into his house. I just thought i’d share it with you. Here is the link:


  15. FyreInk
    Apr 24, 2010 @ 23:12:24

    Will we find out what Kaylin’s tattoo/Erenne means in future books? Also, I recall reading that there are no female Dragons at Court? Will that be touched as well as info on Dragons in general, in future books?


  16. Elizabeth
    Apr 24, 2010 @ 23:26:09

    When will the book description for Cast in Chaos be up on your website?


  17. David
    May 01, 2010 @ 02:16:13

    I’ve just re-read the Sacred Hunt books. Can you tell us how far House Name goes: past the end of Hunter’s Death? or just to it?
    (Or is it confidential?)


  18. Maria
    May 04, 2010 @ 15:56:36

    So, I have an unnatural obsession with Lord Nightshade, and was wondering if you had any concept art for Kaylin’s tattoo, since I am considering getting it (not in that exact place) myself, and what type of Nightshade you were thinking of. I am also thinking of stalking your bookstore when Cast in Chaos comes out before I leave the country (which is also around my birthday! The new books coming out have been my birthday present for the past few years). You are warned.

    Also, a friend and I had given the purple eye color as a color of passion (not always sexual), or a very strong emotion of desire. The answer, although not as exciting as our speculation (it never is), is much appreciated. Although our interpretation still works…


  19. Kim
    May 12, 2010 @ 19:39:04


    First, I think you shouldn’t worry about not always being here, and not posting very often. We all get busy, and we are always happy to get your books. While we enjoy your posts, I think we are more excited by a new book fro you than a new post. And… There isn’t always that much to say.

    I just went on Amazon, and Cast in Chaos has a cover! A cover! A very nice cover, I think. It looks similar to Cast in Secret (at least, I think the part on the top of the front cover does). I was just wondering if you would post the cover on here, like you did for Cast in Fury? I guess I’m impatient, but anything that you could give us with regard to the book would be exciting. Do you think you will post the beginning section (if the first chapter is too long) or first chapter for it?

    It’s okay if you don’t (which I’m sure you know… I just don’t want to sound as though I’ll be annoyed or something if you don’t). I just got excited when I saw the picture o Amazon.

    Can’t wait to read Cast in Chaos!
    And I am very curious about Nightshade’s reaction to the events in Cast in Silence

    Thank you very much! :)


  20. Jen
    May 13, 2010 @ 12:08:25

    I have a question about the Elantra books.

    Will any of them be published as Mass-Market paperbacks in the future? I’ve been waiting for Cast in Fury since Oct 2009 (since usually between first publishing and the mass-market trade is 1 year). My mild OCD won’t allow me to have books from the same series be different sizes on the bookshelf :(

    I look forward to reading them in the future no matter what, but I was just curious about your plans for publishing.


  21. BeyondTheIcyWalls
    May 16, 2010 @ 00:38:41

    The ‘Cast In Chaos’ cover is up on amazon and I love it!! The colors are really great. :D


  22. Shelley
    May 19, 2010 @ 09:55:50

    I love your Cast series … I have spent the last 5 years undergoing operations and the highlights have been reading and rereading your books. Every time I go back to them I unpeel another layer of meaning to the story and I think I have just about pieced together who and or what Kaylin really is.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but while there may be some stronger feelings on Severn’s part Kaylin seems to still see him from the point of view that she did 7/8 years ago when she ran from him? That of a child and because she ran that part of her that sees him has almost been frozen at that point in time of the protector/killer and older annoying brother.

    As well I am amazed at how patient Nightshade is with her. I dont know if she realises that she gets away with much more with him than even an Erenne would. At the same time he challenges her thinking and forces her to think beyond what she thought was possible. He is responsible for alot more of her growth than either of them realise …. in the last book she wasnt as impetuous as she was in the first where she only acted in base emotions like anger and fear and a need to protect.

    I may be looking more deeply into the characters than you intended :$ but like I said I tend to have a lot of time on my hands after each operation lol.


  23. drey
    May 21, 2010 @ 15:39:51

    *squeal* I pre-ordered Cast in Chaos! I was just pecking around, thinking to myself, I wonder if that’s out yet? Thank you thank you thank you!

    Now I just need to pick up city of night and I’ll have my M. Sagara fix taken care of. For a week or two anyway… ;)


  24. EllenO
    May 22, 2010 @ 18:46:44

    I’m on a countdown to Cast in Chaos. Really looking forward to it.


  25. Kelly
    Jun 02, 2010 @ 03:40:11

    Hey Michelle,
    I can hardly wait to hold Cast in Chaos in my hands. I had preOrdered my copy two weeks ago. I read a brief description that says that something is trying to break through the barriers between the worlds but Kaylin does not know if it is a threat that she needs to defend her city against? Is this what Nightshade suspected might come and what he’s preparing against?


  26. Sandra Barrow
    Jun 10, 2010 @ 00:39:15

    I was able to make an unfortunate circumstance in using a recent illness as an opportunity to re-read the Sun Sword series. I can’t begin to tell you how breathless with anticipation I am for “House Name”, only to be made positively giddy with the mere thought of “Skirmish.” I. like many of your fans, I am sure, would happily forgive any absences on boards such as these in the interest of the completion of more of your wonderful books.

    I was sick and in tremendous pain, as well as dealing with a great deal of uncertainty in my life while re-reading the Sun Sword series. I am profoundly grateful for the marvelous distraction your books have been. I can lose myself for hours even beyond reading the books themselves in pondering the direction the story will flow into. Your characters are so vividly portrayed, both in the world of the Sun Sword and in Kaylin’s world of Elantra, that i find myself caring passionately about what is happening to them after i close the cover of the last book. Bravo!

    So you say that “Skirmish” will tie up the last of the den’s history? Does this mean it takes place after Henden, but before The Terrafin’s murder, or is it the beginning of the House war? Also, will we see more of Kiriel Di Ashaf? And what about the remaining cities of Man? I don’t even want details, would just like to know that the story lines that have so fascinated me will be resolved someday!

    Thank you!!!!!!!


  27. Theresa
    Jun 13, 2010 @ 01:18:33

    Hi Michelle,

    I love your books. I had two questions re: Cast in Chaos. First, will it be available for my Kindle? And second, is this book Nightshade’s book or will it be about the Dragon Court?

    Thanks in advance.


  28. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:21:32

    I know you have the basic story and all its important parts in your head, but how do you keep track of what’s going on with the books, since they’re published out of storyline order? And is there any greater meaning to the order in which they’re being written?

    The only books that have been published out of storyline order are Hidden City and City of Night. The upcoming (finished) House Name will be the last of the books I write that are published out of timeline order.

    So in that sense, it’s not as complicated. I have a lot of plot threads at any given point in time, and with the books in the past, the huge challenge is to make the bits and pieces mentioned in previous books work within the context of a novel’s structure. There’s a very foolish impulse to think: I know what’s happened, so it should be simple. For me this was absolutely not the case; knowing made it so much harder because there’s no true ability for the story to organically diverge.

    I have a very long timeline, though, and I add to it when I write, in the vain hope that this will keep me perfectly on track.


  29. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:28:25

    2 short questions. Do you have a writing schedule of sorts? When did you develop it if you do?

    Yes, I do have a writing schedule. As for it’s development, it’s contextual. Which is to say, the schedule I have has changed many times over the years.

    The first time I made a writing schedule for myself was when I was working full-time. I trained myself to write for an hour at lunch, and it took me about three months to reliably get useful work done at that time. I had a portable which I worked on in the back of the bookstore, and I wrote five movels that way.

    I thought that this would be easy to maintain when I had my first child. Anyone who’s had children is now laughing both wryly and hysterically. This did not happen, and it was, oh, Hell. Trial, error, and a few months of writing between 2 and 5 in the morning (which is the only time my oldest would actually sleep for a reliable block of time) finally drove me to rearrange my life so that I woke up with my husband and wrote early in the morning for an hour and a half. That was it, but desperation often works when you don’t have a lot of time.

    I did that for a number of years, and then as the kids went to school, began to work in the afternoons. But for some reason, mid-afternoon was just hard on my brain. I honestly don’t know why. Early mornings are things I like to face from the other side.

    Now, I start writing when the rest of my familiy is in bed. I started this because I found that if anything was going on in the house, I would be instantly distracted and lose the flow of, well, everything. This was never a problem before, and again, I finally had to come up with an entirely different schedule to accomodate it. At night, the phone doesn’t ring (much), no one comes to the door to convert me or sell me stuff, and no one interrupts me. At all.

    I hope to be able to adjust this back to later afternoon at some point, because my sleep schedule is so very strange–but the last three books were written this way.

    So, yes, I have a schedule–but it’s changed depending on my life circumstances and my ability to concentrate with time. I’m not sure if this is helpful or not, though…


  30. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:32:25

    Back in cast in courtlight Sanabalis says that Kaylin came back changed but not in a useful way. Was Sanabalis refering to her having a name?? And if not that what was he refering to? Then as Stephanie mentioned in an above post about Sanabalis saying he wouldn’t send her if she had a name. Does her name not count because she isn’t using it? Tara remarked about something like that at the end of Silence that Kalin hadn’t put herself togethe.

    There was also another question about Kaylin having a name (Teela knew; the Dragons don’t seem to), so let me try to answer this briefly and without spoilers. Kaylin has taken a name for herself. But unlike anyone else who possesses one, she doesn’t need it; it isn’t the source of her life. It’s something that exists almost as an overlay. It’s not essential to her nature, demonstrably, because she existed perfectly well without it. It’s like having two extra arms that are attached but not functioning.

    Sanabalis therefore doesn’t consider it a True Name at the time because of its context. Because it came from the High Halls, the Barrani do, but that’s more a matter of arrogance than anything else. And yes, this change is what Sanabalis was referring to vis a vis Courtlight.


  31. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:34:05

    Will we find out what Kaylin’s tattoo/Erenne means in future books? Also, I recall reading that there are no female Dragons at Court? Will that be touched as well as info on Dragons in general, in future books?

    Yes, the meaning of Erenne will become more clear than it currently is.

    And yes, some information about female Dragons is unfolding (although that’s in Cast in Ruin which I’m working on now but which is not finished yet.)


  32. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:35:56

    I’ve just re-read the Sacred Hunt books. Can you tell us how far House Name goes: past the end of Hunter’s Death? or just to it?
    (Or is it confidential?)

    House Name goes to the end of Hunter’s Death, and then a little beyond it. It also has a 20k word epilogue. Skirmish, which is the West novel in progress, and which is going really well, takes place about a day after Jewel arrived in the Terafin Manse in Sun Sword.


  33. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:38:18

    Will any of them be published as Mass-Market paperbacks in the future? I’ve been waiting for Cast in Fury since Oct 2009 (since usually between first publishing and the mass-market trade is 1 year). My mild OCD won’t allow me to have books from the same series be different sizes on the bookshelf :(

    I look forward to reading them in the future no matter what, but I was just curious about your plans for publishing.

    The truth is, I simply don’t know. The decision to publish in mass market is, and has always been, in the hands of the publisher, Luna. I have no say in it, and while I would dearly love to see the books appear in mass market, I’m under the impression that they’ll do it in a “three at a time in a month” fashion; they published Courtlight and Secret that way; both came out in the same month.

    I’m really sorry, because I, too, like to have things in similar formats (which is why I hate it when they re-cover partial series in the middle).


  34. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:41:35

    So you say that “Skirmish” will tie up the last of the den’s history? Does this mean it takes place after Henden, but before The Terrafin’s murder, or is it the beginning of the House war? Also, will we see more of Kiriel Di Ashaf? And what about the remaining cities of Man? I don’t even want details, would just like to know that the story lines that have so fascinated me will be resolved someday!

    House Name will tie up the last of the den’s early history. But it takes place pretty much at the same time as Hunter’s Death; it continues further past the end of that book, but not into the long period between Hunter’s Death and the Sun Sword.

    You’ll definitely see more of Kiriel. The only thing I will say about Kiriel is that Sun Sword was meant to be the first half of her long arc. The second, however, won’t start until after the House War is decided.

    The Cities of Man are complicated, and I’m less certain that 3 of the remaining cities will be unearthed onscreen.


  35. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 07:44:36

    I love your books. I had two questions re: Cast in Chaos. First, will it be available for my Kindle? And second, is this book Nightshade’s book or will it be about the Dragon Court?

    Cast in Chaos will almost certainly be available on the Kindle, because all of the Cast books have been made available for the kindle. I’m almost positive that they were released for the Kindle at the same time as they were in the larger format paperbacks.

    As for Chaos… it’s some of Nightshade, more of Severn, and a lot of chaos. The Dragon Court can’t be resolved until after Cast in Ruin in which Kaylin is, in fact, taking etiquette lessons (you find out who’s teaching them in Chaos).


  36. Hillary
    Jun 18, 2010 @ 22:55:25

    First I have to say that I am a huge fan of yours and am so happy that House War has been coming out in Hardcover–I love having books good enough to justify the expense! I also re-read them which is high on my criteria for buying a book. I was also thrilled when your first series was re-released.

    I guess my real question is whether you’ve ever thought about having your books made into movies/series. I know this usually does not translate well and your books are probably too complex for the usual treatment (and I would hate to have less effort than they deserved put into them), but I can’t help but think that an anime series might be able to capture the depth and intricacy that your books contain. The only downside is that it would probably take as many years to animate them as it has to write them!

    Anyway, I continue to look forward to everything you write and thanks for your wonderful books.


  37. hjbau
    Jun 19, 2010 @ 00:28:05

    How long is HOUSE NAME?


  38. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 19, 2010 @ 04:34:53

    I guess my real question is whether you’ve ever thought about having your books made into movies/series.

    Not really, no. I know next to nothing about the movie industry, which is distinct from the anime industry, about which I know even less.

    In order for anything I’ve written to be made into either of these things, a studio/producer would have to be interested in the project, would have to option it (and books are optioned on the outside possibility a movie might get made, in most cases), and then would have to pour money into it–before anything is green-lighted.

    None of that is directly in my hands.


  39. Michelle Sagara
    Jun 19, 2010 @ 04:42:30

    How long is HOUSE NAME?

    It occurred to me after you asked this question that I truly had no idea how long House Name is. The reason for this is very typically me: I had already split the book, and the second half was…very long. So in order to finish the book without getting ulcers and without rushing to an end, I stopped actually tracking the word count. At all.

    Because you asked, I went back into the file, and I did the word count tonight. It’s 250k words, and 1168 manuscript pages. This would make the book longer than Hidden City. The last 40k words, give or take a few, occur after the events in Hunter’s Death.


  40. Aaron
    Jun 20, 2010 @ 12:21:43

    Longer than ‘Hidden City’? Good grief! Do you have fingers left?


  41. hjbau
    Jun 20, 2010 @ 13:06:47

    Wonderful Michelle. Thanks very much for the response. I personally love it when you go long and i think many of us feel the same way, so don’t get ulcers on our account.

    40k words after the events of Hunter’s Death sounds lovely, absolutely lovely. I am glad to hear that Skirmish is going well. I can’t wait to read both House Name and Skirmish, but really no ulcers on our account, certainly not for the tragedy or gift as i would see it of going long.


  42. WmrB
    Jun 24, 2010 @ 08:21:33

    I really do enjoy your series and have the date written in my calender for when the next caste book comes out. I plan to also read your other series as, having seen so many quesitons and answers I am now very curious:) I have seen it mentioned and would also like to add my vote of support for possible audio book… I love audio books and your books are amazing and I think would do well in that format… if you choose to read them as well that would be even more awesome as having the writter to form their own pronoucation on the words is priceless when hearing what was meant…

    thank you so very much for such a wonderful break from daily stress and madness!!!


  43. TheF
    Jun 24, 2010 @ 23:22:53

    Impatiently awaiting Cast in Chaos, but you’re absolutely wonderful for giving us exactly what we want every time, so it’s all worth it.

    Thank you!

    Re: Cast in Chaos release date, it initially appeared on Amazon UK for August release. Is this still the case? It currently says “Currently unavailable. We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.” :S

    Understand it’s not released so that might explain it!

    Looking forward to more Kaylin, Lord Nightshade and Severn. Team Nightshade over here, but absolutely adore Severn.

    I’m not sure if this has been answered, but I did have a question: Who is your favourite character to write about within this series other than Kaylin (of course!). :D

    Once again, thank you for such great writing and I send much positive vibes so you continue to write such wonderful stories for us.


  44. ticia
    Jun 25, 2010 @ 08:46:13

    In answer to TheF (previous comment), I had Cast in Chaos on pre-order with for ages, then in April/May? they suddenly emailed me to say they had no release date, no idea of when or even IF they would carry this item. Accordingly, they cancelled my order. VERY WORRYING. I promptly re-ordered with and am keeping my fingers crossed.

    If Michelle is reading this, could she perhaps tell us if she will offer a snippet from Chaos some time soon?
    I am re-reading all previous Cast books in anticipation.

    Team Nightshade on this side of the world as well.


  45. Jo O
    Jun 25, 2010 @ 20:56:11


    An excerpt is up at (and but be warned it finishes mid-word!

    I had exactly the same problem with
    Book Depository has it listed for £11.21 with free delivery from the UK, but they do not offer a lowest price guarantee, so if the price drops prior to dispatch you have to cancel and re-order


  46. Aliza
    Jun 25, 2010 @ 23:10:18

    I absolutely love, adore, and treasure, every single one of your books and am proud to say, I own the entire collection. Your writing style is different, it’s so vivid and multilayered I am amazed by it. I definitely agree that you should not worry about the word count, and write the words as they come to you.


  47. Kim
    Jul 02, 2010 @ 14:11:58

    Now the excerpt is on amazon US too : )
    It doesn’t give away plot, like some excerpts do

    I’m so excited!


  48. Aliza
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 12:29:58

    Dear Michelle,
    I wish you a Happy Fourth of July, and I wonder if you could post an excerpt of the first chapter of Cast in Chaos on your website as a fourth of July present for us?


  49. hjbau
    Jul 05, 2010 @ 23:28:53



  50. Michelle Sagara
    Jul 06, 2010 @ 06:18:44

    Happy 4th of July two days late >.>.


  51. Yve
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 16:03:30

    Do you know the exact date for the Cast in Chaos release? I want to put a countdown on my blog and I cant set it to just a random date in August.


  52. Michelle Sagara
    Jul 11, 2010 @ 00:48:46

    According to Amazon, it’s the 1st of August, 2010. What I’m told, when I ask for a pub date, is the month and the year; I’ve never really asked more specifically than that, though >.>.


  53. Candilicious
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 09:06:04

    i loooooved cast in chaos, cant wait for ruin! just a question about cast in moonlight novella in the Harvest moon anthology… how will this relate to the cast series…will i miss anything exciting if i dont read it? (i probably will anyway :) )


  54. Diane Drayson
    Sep 10, 2010 @ 23:20:55

    I am so looking forward to both Cast in Chaos and Harvest Moon but they don’t seem to be available here in the UK. I can see them on the site but they show as ‘currently unavailable’ on the site. Like others, I even had my order cancelled by amazon as they said they did not know when it would be available. It’s so frustrating to know that two good books are out there, but not available to us in this country! Michelle, I love your writing!


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