
I have finished proofing, and sent off the AA (Author’s Approval) manuscript for Cast in Fury. This is literally the last thing I have to do, pre-publication, for Cast in Fury, and it is now out of my hands until it shows up in stores (and in my front hall, in a box, which I will stub my toes on and trip over until I move it). So that’s done, or as done as I can make it.

I’ve tied up the two long arcs that started in Hidden City, on the way to Terafin.

I’m almost finished the optional project which I started in April.

18 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sabriel Sorores
    Jun 02, 2008 @ 05:25:10

    Can we hope for an excerpt soon? Pretty, pretty please?? I don’t think I have the will to wait until October (!!!!) to read Cast in Fury, but, alas, I must. However, an excerpt would be just lovely and since my birthday just passed a week ago, I would consider it a belated birthday present. *crosses fingers…and toes for good measure.*



  2. hjbau
    Jun 04, 2008 @ 03:47:27

    Is there some overlapping in the second hidden city book between it and the beginning of hunter’s death? Or is the second hidden city braided between the present house war and the past beginnings of the den? I thought i remember someone saying that the second book was fully prequel.


  3. hjbau
    Jun 09, 2008 @ 01:53:59

    I think my second question in my first post was a stupid one, sorry about that. I know that the second ‘house wars’ book is a prequel. Something about how you wrote ‘I’ve tied up the two long arcs that started in Hidden City, on the way to Terafin.’ made me think you had changed your mind and were making the second book braided.

    I am reading Hidden City again so it has been much on my mind.


  4. Heather
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 20:29:08

    When do you think the next book in the House War series will be out?


  5. Eva
    Aug 05, 2008 @ 01:21:37

    I am very excited you are writing something new. I can imagine that it is refreshing for you to write new things, both your ongoing series are very detailed and absorbing, for me at least. I think you are an amazing thinker and observer of human nature. I get excited thinking you are doing something new and I imagine as you mature you feel the need, and joy, to spread your creative wings and fly a new way. You go girl!


  6. Allison Mogus
    Aug 13, 2008 @ 17:18:13

    I feel compelled to let you know what a rare talent you possess; and thank you for sharing it with us through these vivid and fascinating books. I am currently re-reading Cast in Shadow so that I am reminded of the nuances before I read the next two of the series (which I just discovered exist!). I normally do not re-read books because that magic that exists when you first read a book is lost the second time around. However, I find myself fascinated all over again with Cast in Shadow. So much has happened in my life since I first read the book that I find I am reading now with a whole new perspective.

    Science fiction has been my favorite genre since my brother introduced me to Frank Herbert’s Dune when I was very young. Very few writer’s of science fiction, in my humble opinion, measure up to Frank Herbert’s talent. And very few books measure up to Dune. However, the quality of your work and the depth of your imagination far exceed any of my expectations in an author.

    I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to create a story, which must reach to the most intimate thoughts and feelings, and then put that story out there for the world to read and criticize. I don’t know what you had to do to convince yourself to publish your first work but I am glad that you did and that you continue to share with us.

    I look forward to reading all the books you will publish over the years.


  7. Bella
    Aug 18, 2008 @ 19:43:41

    October – wow……….not so long to wait now!! I just wanted to say that your Elantra series is fantastic – I have reread the three books hundreds and hundreds of times and love all the characters. Please, please, please keep writing about Kaylin, Severn, Sanabalis, Nightshade – many, many thanks


  8. Siobhain
    Aug 21, 2008 @ 10:28:05

    I am really looking forward to catching up with Kaylin in the next book. Any sign of an excerpt for Cast in Fury? If one has already been posted, can you tell me where to find it, as I cant find one on ur site? Many Thanks for the cast series!


  9. Lara Vaughn
    Aug 28, 2008 @ 20:02:12

    Everyone who’s been waiting for an excerpt from “cast in fury” can now read it at amazon.com which has thoughtfully provided it under product description.


  10. Michael Victorine
    Sep 24, 2008 @ 00:12:40

    I just finished Cast in Fury and I LOVED IT!!!!!

    Thank you again, Michelle, for being so great (not to mention polite and professional…). I hope you have a great time as guest of honor. You certainly deserve it! Now when do we get Cast in Silence, House Name, and that great YA novel of yours? I NEEEEEEEEEED them.


  11. Sabriel
    Sep 24, 2008 @ 08:17:11

    OH my geeee!!!!!

    Only one more week!! ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE!! *sigh*

    …if only time travel had been discovered by now…


  12. Michelle
    Oct 02, 2008 @ 01:47:46

    Michael, of course, is being very slightly sarcastic >.>.

    I’ll be leaving tomorrow for ConClave in Ann Arbor, MI, and am greatly looking forward to it. House Name is almost finished. Well, almost finished in the sense that the first draft is almost finished. Cast in Silence is 2/3s finished. The YA novel, while finished, has to be polished and submitted.

    I’ve discovered that while I am capable of working on two books at the same time, it eats all the available brain space, which means once I’ve finished writing that I kind of stare vaguely at the computer screen and can think of nothing interesting to say…

    But yes, there are going to be more CAST books :).


  13. bonnie holmes
    Oct 03, 2008 @ 18:35:54

    my sister said that as soon as i send her the cast in fury book she will take to the book store for michelle to sign. horah…….i can’t wait .


  14. MEME
    Oct 10, 2008 @ 13:11:29

    I was wondering why cast in fury is under a different name on the e-books? It is under Sarah Zettel


  15. Autumn Woods
    Nov 29, 2008 @ 19:44:25

    i absolutely love your cast series when is the next coming? they are briliantly written and are just awesome. i wish i could write as good as you



  16. Jasmin Nyack
    Feb 26, 2009 @ 19:14:17

    I dearly love you’re cast seris, i stumbled by them by accident, read them backwards before i relise i was readig them in the wrong drection, than reread them. Just cause they are sooo good, please write asfast as possible, but not so fast as to scar the story. Far to many writers do that these days.


  17. Stephanie
    Mar 01, 2009 @ 12:44:08

    I only just sumbled across ‘Cast in shadow’ through recommendations on the internet and read the whole book in a day since I literally couldn’t put it down. Now I’m trying to get the rest of your books, which is unfortunately somewhat difficult with ‘Lady of Mercy’, ‘Chains of darkness, chains of light’ and ‘Speaking with angels’, which are available only used at very steep prices. So I wanted to ask if there are plans for reprints or if you maybe even sell copies yourself (some authors do, you never know)? It would be very helpful to know so I hope you can provide that information. In any case, thank you very much for the beautiful ‘Cast in shadow’. I already ordered the rest of the series and look forward to reading it a lot! I also left 5-star reviews on German websites, which I hope will help others discover your books as I did. Best wishes, Stephanie.


  18. Gemma
    Apr 16, 2009 @ 13:57:44

    Hi, Was wondering why there seems to be a major prob in getting hold of Lady of Mercy? I have the other three books and didn’t want to start reading htem until I had a full set but I can’t get a copy of this book unless I am willing to pay £400.00 or more for second hand …. Are there going to be any more published at all?

    Thanks for your time xx


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